PokerStars makes new Software Upgrades

Written by Sadonna | Friday, September 17th, 2010

Making software upgrades is common place for top online poker rooms and since PokerStars is the number one poker room they make software upgrades on a regular basis. Upgrades are done to maintain player security as well as stay current with the latest technological advances and player needs. PokerStars recently made a few new upgrades to their site and players will find they are prompted to update their software when they log on.

The new upgrades include several new features that players are sure to appreciate. One of the new features is the Automatic Seating Feature. This feature allows players the option of automatically getting a seat at a table right from the lottery.

Another feature added is the Automatic Buy-in Feature. Players are able to choose to automatically buy-in at a table for a pre set amount once they are logged in to PokerStars. There is also Enhances Session Options which will allow players to change session options at the table while playing instead of having to exit the lobby to make changes.

There are also improved sections on PokerStars such as Notes and Tournament Display. The improved Notes now keep notes from being lost during a malfunction or disconnect. The improved Tournament Display option now allows players to view tournaments that correspond with tournament tickets in a players account.

There is also the added Multi-Tabling Stack Feature which allows players to organize their tables and still use the existing features. Players will also find Stats Tracking which allows them to see the size of an opponent’s chip stack before sitting down at the poker table.

PokerStars also added a stats tracking feature that allows players to view their opponents average stack size before they sit down at the table. The online poker room also added a no chat feature which tells other players that you are not available to chat. These are just a few of the new features added by PokerStars and players can check them out for themselves by logging to PokerStars and upgrading their software.

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