Mecca Bingo in Watford Robbed at Knife Point

Written by Sadonna | Tuesday, February 1st, 2011

Mecca Bingo is truly a ‘Mecca’ when it comes to bingo. They offer players online bingo options as well as land choices. The company has hundreds of gaming halls located in the UK and thousands of players travel to their local bingo halls to enjoy a game or two of bingo. However after a recent incident at one Mecca Bingo hall, one begins to wonder if online bingo might be a better choice than a live bingo game.

A Mecca Bingo hall in Watford was robbed recently at knife point. The staff of the bingo hall were threatened by two men who hid in the bingo hall and came out while the workers were locking up. They tied up the employees then forced them to get into a cupboard.

The robbers then stole money from the safe at the Mecca Bingo hall and then they exited the building through the rear doors. This happened around 10:15pm to 10:45pm this past Monday evening. The employees of the bingo hall did not see any weapons on the assailants but they do believe the men had a knife. The employees were not hurt in the incident but were very shaken.

This story makes many wonder how safe live bingo is. Most times players are safe in the facility but many times it is after hours or right before a bingo hall closes that they are robbed. Online bingo gambling seems much more safer. Players can log on from home and enjoy a bingo game at Mecca Bingo and still get the same interaction with friends as they would at a live event. They can also take advantage of the many bonuses that Mecca Bingo has to offer. So, bingo in your pajamas, chatting with friends and extra cash, what’s not to love?

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