Fact or Fiction: Cereus to Give the DOJ a Royal “F**k You?”

Written by Thomas | Friday, May 6th, 2011

In more developing news about the AP/UB situation, which has officially gone into crisis mode over the past few days, a new post on 2+2 asserts that Cereus and Blanca Gaming will not be paying out USA players and will essentially be telling them to whine about it to the US Department of Justice.

While it looks more grim for players hoping to get this cashouts here in the United States, this recent post made on the 2+2 boards gives more credibility to blogger Haley Hintze‘s comments to me earlier in the week that “Cereus will be giving the finger to the DOJ” very soon.

Here is an excerpt of the post mentioned on 4:

“Staff is disgusted by all of this and wants this message to come out. If players don’t organize against Absolute and its owner Blanca Games – the US money will be lost forever. From what my source is saying the only route is to file injunction in Antigua against the legal owner of the company. He runs the show and he controls the money – on direct order from the indicted!

The Management has no intention to pay the US players. They are going to steal their money, once again. This time they will use it to set up a new business. They will claim US balances are held by FBI unless FORCED to act responsibly.

Look at how easy they found 3 million to pay employees when there was a risk that all assets in CR were to be to be seized 2 days ago. Blanca games have more than $16,000,000 in cash.”

Notice how the memo mentioned that Blanca came up with the $3,000,000 needed to not only pay their laid-off workers, but to also keep a skeleton crew staff on-site – for the sole reason of not wanting their additional assets seized by Costa Rican authorities.

This has been a pure cat-and-mouse chase with Paul Leggett and Scott Tom seemingly able to not just avoid capture by the DOJ, but also find ways to keep their company afloat just long enough to screw over more USA players and possibly even set up another online poker site in the process!

Please note that this story has been developing all day and the best place to keep up to date with it is 2+2 or listening to Quad Jacks radio.

UPDATE (9 pm EST): Costa Rican authorities reportedly have Scott Tom’s girlfriend in custody and have been questioning her.  There is no definitive news on why she’s still being held, other than she is either cooperating voluntarily or she is being charged with a crime.  Speculation is abound that the authorities are definitely looking for information on the whereabouts of Scott Tom.  More to come on this as it comes.  It’s worth noting that Costa Rica must release anyone in custody after 6 pm local time, UNLESS they’ve been charged with a crime.  It’s quite interesting that she’s still in custody past that timeline….

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